Bootcamp: Potty & Crate Training with Socialization Intensive


Bootcamp is a perfect fit for those looking to bypass the initial weeks of potty training and jumpstart your pup's journey before entering your home. Establishing a success-driven routine from day one sets the stage for a stress-free coexistence with your furry friend. Bootcamp is for those unable to commit to our extended 4-week Doodle training. We continue our Crate-Training program, a core aspect of our Doodle School Program. Held at Stokeshire by Katie Stokes, one of our adept 4-week Doodle School trainers, this program offers a personalized approach at $100 per day. Its duration can be tailored to meet your exact needs.

Skipping the First Few Weeks: Why It Matters

The traditional potty training process can be time-consuming and frustrating, involving countless accidents and setbacks. Our boot camp takes a different approach, allowing you to bypass those early struggles and make significant progress right from the start. By implementing a carefully designed routine, you can accelerate your puppy's learning and create positive habits faster.

Setting a Routine for Success

Consistency is Key: Establish a consistent schedule for your puppy's meals, bathroom breaks, and crate time. Consistency helps them understand what's expected and reduces confusion.

Designated Elimination Area: Choose a specific spot outside where you want your puppy to eliminate. Take them there consistently, using verbal cues to associate the location with the desired behavior.

Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward your puppy when they eliminate in the designated area. This positive reinforcement encourages them to repeat the behavior and reinforces the connection between good habits and rewards.

Supervision and Crating: Keep a close eye on your puppy and use a crate to prevent accidents when you can't supervise them. Crating can also help them establish a routine and develop bladder control.

Socialization Component: Our boot camp goes beyond potty training by including a socialization intensive. Exposing your puppy to various environments, people, and other animals helps build confidence and reduces anxiety.

Benefits of Our Bootcamp Approach

Time-Saving: By skipping the initial potty training struggles, you can fast-track your puppy's progress and save valuable time.

Efficiency: The focused routine and intensive training allow for accelerated learning, resulting in quicker results.

Holistic Development: Our bootcamp not only covers potty and crate training but also emphasizes socialization, ensuring your puppy grows up to be well-adjusted and sociable.

Expert Guidance: Our experienced trainers will provide personalized support and guidance throughout the bootcamp, ensuring you and your puppy receive the best training experience.

Don't waste precious weeks struggling with traditional potty training methods. Join our Potty & Crate Training with Socialization Intensive bootcamp to skip the initial challenges and set a routine for success from day one. With our time-saving and efficient approach, you'll witness rapid progress and enjoy the benefits of a well-trained and socialized puppy. Start your journey towards a harmonious and happy relationship with your furry companion today.

Doodle School Photos & Videos from Training.


Crate & Potty Training

  • Begin Basic Potty Training

  • Begin Basic Crate Training


  • Started on an 80-point Socialization Checklist

  • Daily play & Socialization with Children, dogs, and other animals.


  • Regular baths & nail trims

  • The fur trim around the puppy's face, feet, and fanny.


Disclaimer: Our Bootcamp provides intensive training but does not guarantee complete potty training for your puppy. It is strongly advised to continue our program at home and promptly enroll your puppy in obedience school after full vaccination. Please note, Bootcamp does not include additional vaccinations.