Stokeshire Designer Doodles Doodle School

Contract & Waiver of Liability

Thank you for entrusting Stokeshire Designer Doodles with the early training and care of your puppy. We aim to ensure a smooth transition when your new companion comes home. Please carefully read and understand the following important information regarding your puppy’s health, veterinary care, training, and liability.

Veterinary Care and Schedule

Initial Vet Appointment: After your puppy leaves Doodle School, you must schedule a veterinary appointment as soon as possible. Your veterinarian will continue the care, vaccinations, and deworming schedule tailored to your puppy’s needs. Please share with them our vet record that is included in your folder in your puppy pack. CVI can be sent upon request. 

Vaccination Schedule at Stokeshire Designer Doodles

We follow a comprehensive vaccination schedule to ensure your puppy starts life with the proper protection:

  • 6 Weeks Old: The first core vaccine, DHLPP, which protects against distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza.

  • 12 Weeks Old: The second core vaccine, DHLPP (administered before your puppy goes home after 4 weeks of Doodle School).

  • 16 Weeks Old: The third and final core vaccine, DHLPP, plus the rabies vaccination.

  • 12–16 Weeks: Start heartworm preventative medication as recommended by your veterinarian.

Additional Health Considerations

  • Deworming: Puppies are generally dewormed at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 weeks while in our care. We recommend continuing with deworming every three months under the guidance of your veterinarian.

  • Lyme Disease: If you live in or travel to areas where Lyme disease is prevalent, consult your vet about the Lyme disease vaccine.

  • Bordetella: If your puppy will be exposed to other dogs or boarding environments, your vet may recommend a Bordetella (kennel cough) vaccine.

Gut Health Acknowledgement

We take your puppy's gut health seriously, as it plays a critical role in their overall well-being. Puppies are introduced to a carefully selected diet that promotes optimal digestive health. To avoid digestive issues, it is important to keep your puppy on the same food they have been eating while in our care. Additionally, we recommend continuing to provide probiotics and prebiotics to support their gut health, especially during periods of stress, such as moving to a new home or following veterinary visits.

Please note that each vet visit and vaccination can impact your puppy's gut health, causing temporary digestive upset. Proactively supporting your puppy’s digestive system during these times will help maintain balance and reduce the risk of discomfort. Consult with your veterinarian if you plan to change your puppy's diet, and introduce new foods slowly to ensure a smooth transition.

Responsibility of the Client

As the new owner of a Stokeshire Designer Doodle, it is your responsibility to:

  • Schedule and attend all follow-up veterinary appointments promptly after your puppy comes home.

  • Continue the recommended vaccination, deworming, and health protocols as prescribed by your veterinarian.

  • Understand that while we maintain high standards of cleanliness and care, we cannot guarantee your puppy will be parasite-free due to external exposure.

Vaccination Requirements for Adult Dogs

For the safety of all our puppies and dogs, we require all dogs over 16 weeks of age to have:

  • Rabies vaccination (as required by law in most states).

  • Core vaccinations include distemper and Bordetella (or titer testing for sensitive dogs).

Rabies Vaccination Guidelines

  • First Rabies Vaccination: Administered between 14 and 16 weeks of age, based on state requirements.

  • Booster Shots: Required one year after the initial shot, then every 1 to 3 years as per vaccine type and local regulations.

  • State Laws: Rabies vaccines are legally required. Please consult your veterinarian about the proper schedule for your dog.

Health, Safety, and Liability

Stokeshire Designer Doodles and any subcontracted entities exercise due and reasonable care to ensure the safety and welfare of all pets in our care. Despite these efforts, we cannot be held responsible for unforeseen circumstances, including, but not limited to, disease, injury, theft, fire, or unavoidable accidents.

Health Guarantee:

The health guarantee covers life-threatening congenital or genetic conditions that arise within the first 36 months of ownership. If diagnosed, Stokeshire will reimburse up to the purchase price or offer a replacement puppy. Claims must be submitted within 14 days of diagnosis, accompanied by veterinary documentation. Additionally, buyers are required to have a preliminary veterinary examination within 48 hours of receiving the puppy, and failure to do so will void the guarantee unless notified in writing via email. 

Veterinary Care and Emergencies

In the event of illness or injury:

  1. The Owner or designated emergency contact will be notified immediately.

  2. We will consult your designated veterinarian. However, we reserve the right to seek care from our trusted veterinary partner if required.

  3. After-hours emergencies will be directed to Medford Veterinary Clinic.

  4. All medical expenses, including treatment and medications, are the owner's responsibility.

Extended Health Testing:

I acknowledge that optional extended health testing is available for my puppy, including DNA testing and temperament evaluations, at an additional cost. I understand that some DNA and health tests may take several weeks to return results, which could influence my decision-making regarding my puppy’s health and future.

I recognize that this level of testing is especially beneficial for breeders aiming to ensure the genetic soundness and behavioral traits of their breeding stock. I understand that investing in these tests can provide peace of mind and enhance the overall health management of my puppy.

Training, Care, and Expectations

By enrolling your dog in Doodle School or related services, you acknowledge that we do not offer performance guarantees. Training is an ongoing process that requires effort from both Stokeshire and the owner. We set the foundation, but it is essential that you continue training after your puppy returns home.

Key points about your puppy’s training journey:

  • Your puppy will not be perfectly trained by the end of Doodle School. We do not guarantee they will be fully potty-trained, crate-trained, or obedient in all commands.

  • Expect some regression in new environments with different routines and smells. Patience and consistency are key.

  • Weekly Updates: You will receive weekly updates on your puppy’s progress via email. Photos and videos may also be provided but are not guaranteed on any set schedule. This is at the discretion of our trainers, as some prefer to focus on hands-on training rather than technology.

Custom Individual Support Package:

After the 30-day complimentary support period, we offer a custom, individual support package tailored to your needs. This includes ongoing phone, email, or video consultations with our professional trainers. Charges are based on the level of support required and can be customized to fit your schedule and training goals. Reach out to us for a personalized quote.

Special Requests:

Special requests for care, travel, or training will be accommodated when possible, with additional fees depending on the nature of the request.

Behavior and Liability

Stokeshire Designer Doodles and its agents are not responsible for damages or injuries caused by your dog to other people, animals, or property. We assume no responsibility for your dog’s behavior once they leave our care.

Payment and Boarding Terms

Payment is due at the start of any service, including training, grooming, or boarding. If your pet is not picked up or arrangements are not made within 14 days of their scheduled departure, we reserve the right to rehome the pet and turn unpaid balances over to collections.

Refund Policy:

In the event of unforeseen circumstances that prevent fulfillment, Stokeshire will offer a full refund.

For Doodle School, all payments are non-refundable, as fees are paid directly to independent contractors cannot be returned, and are subject to Wisconsin Sales and Federal tax. 

During the training process, you will have the opportunity to review your puppy’s progress, ask questions, and communicate any concerns via email at

Boarding/Extension Fees:

If you are unable to pick up your puppy on the agreed-upon date, a daily boarding fee of $100 will apply for up to 14 days. For extensions beyond 14 days, additional care fees will apply.

Early Training Start Policy for Travel Requirements

If you require your puppy to be ready for travel or relocation by a specific date, we may start training earlier than planned to ensure they are fully prepared. Our priority is to reduce stress and ensure a smooth transition for your puppy.

VIP Travel Service:
Stokeshire offers a VIP travel service, which includes preparing your puppy for transport with crate acclimation, travel certifications, and health paperwork starting at $500.

Training Waiver

You acknowledge that dog training involves risk. By participating in Stokeshire training services, you waive any claims against Stokeshire Designer Doodles or its subcontractors for injuries or damages that may arise and agree to hold us harmless from third-party claims.

You also agree to:

  • Allow your dog to be transported for training or veterinary visits.

  • Consent to your dog being photographed or recorded during training sessions. These materials may be used for educational and promotional purposes without claim for damages or invasion of privacy.

Injury or Death Compensation

In the event of injury or death due to negligence on our part, we will reimburse you up to the purchase price of the dog or offer a replacement dog upon request.

Compensation for injury or death due to proven negligence will be limited to the original purchase price or a replacement puppy. Claims must be supported by independent evidence.

Indemnity Clause

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Stokeshire Designer Doodles and any affiliated entities from any claim or liability related to injury, damages, or loss that may arise while participating in training sessions, events, or functions.

Parasite Awareness

Worms can be a common concern for dogs, often originating from contaminated environments, contact with infected animals, or even from their interaction with humans. While your puppy is in Doodle School, we adhere to a strict deworming protocol. However, due to the extensive socialization outside of our controlled and sanitized spaces, we cannot guarantee complete freedom from parasites.

Prevention Tips:

  • Regular veterinary check-ups.

  • Routine deworming and parasite prevention treatments.

  • Keeping your dog's living area clean.

Parasite Exposure Protocol:
If parasites are diagnosed after leaving our care, please notify us immediately so we can assist in coordinating treatment with your veterinarian. Regular prevention is essential for your dog’s health.

Cleaning Methods for When Your Puppy Goes Home

To ensure a clean and safe environment for your new puppy, consider the following cleaning methods:

  1. Disinfect Surfaces: Use pet-safe disinfectants on floors, countertops, and any areas your puppy will frequent. Avoid harsh chemicals that could harm your pet.

  2. Wash Bedding and Toys: Regularly wash your puppy’s bedding, blankets, and toys in hot water to eliminate dirt and potential parasites.

  3. Vacuum Frequently: Vacuum carpets and rugs often remove fur, dander, and any potential allergens. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter for best results.

  4. Clean Food and Water Bowls: Wash your puppy's food and water bowls daily with hot, soapy water to prevent bacteria buildup.

  5. Outdoor Cleanup: If your puppy has access to a yard, promptly clean up any waste to prevent the spread of parasites and maintain hygiene.

  6. Regular Grooming: Brush your puppy regularly to reduce shedding and keep their coat healthy.

Final Acknowledgment and Consent

By signing this contract, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to the expectations, risks, and terms outlined. This contract applies to the current stay and all future stays, training sessions, or engagements with Stokeshire Designer Doodles.

Enjoy the Journey

Raising a puppy is filled with joy, challenges, and progress. While perfection cannot be promised, Stokeshire Designer Doodles ensures the best possible care for your puppy. Every puppy’s journey is unique, and we celebrate all milestones. Enjoy the process, even the messy ones, because your puppy is learning from you at every step.

Disclaimer: While we strive to nurture happy, healthy, and well-socialized puppies, it's important to recognize that no puppy is perfectly trained or without the potential for occasional mistakes. If your expectation is for a flawless puppy from the start, our program may not align with your needs. We are dedicated to providing a strong foundation for continued training and development alongside your family.

Created 9.21.24