Stokeshire Doodle School - Training Rubric

Stokeshire Doodle School - Training Rubric

Focus Area 1-3 (Needs Improvement) 4-6 (Developing) 7-9 (Good) 10 (Excellent)
Socialization Rarely interacts well with people or dogs; shows anxiety or fear. Some interaction but inconsistent or hesitant in new environments. Consistently interacts well but may need occasional encouragement in new environments. Highly social, enjoys new environments, and interacts confidently with dogs and people.
Obedience Rarely follows commands or has trouble understanding basic commands. Understands basic commands but requires frequent repetition or correction. Follows most commands with minimal guidance, needs occasional corrections. Immediately responsive to all commands with no corrections needed.
Leash Training Pulls excessively, shows frustration, and doesn’t follow leash commands. Walks inconsistently on a leash, improving but still pulls or shows resistance at times. Walks comfortably on a leash, follows most leash commands, minimal pulling. Walks perfectly on a leash, responds to all leash commands instantly and confidently.
Crate Training Struggles to enter or remain calm in a crate, whines or barks frequently. Entering crate without much difficulty, occasional whining or resistance. Easily enters the crate and stays calm most of the time, minimal resistance. Calm and relaxed in the crate, enters willingly without resistance or whining.
Potty Training Frequent accidents, difficulty understanding where to go potty. Some accidents but improving with guidance, still needs reminders. Rare accidents, mostly goes to the designated potty area with consistency. Fully potty trained, reliably goes to the designated potty area with no reminders.
Recall & Name Recognition Rarely responds to name or recall, distracted by surroundings. Responds inconsistently, requires multiple calls or encouragement. Responds well most of the time with only occasional distractions or delays. Instantly responds to name and recall commands, even in distracting environments.
Basic Commands Struggles with understanding or consistently performing commands (sit, stay, down). Can perform commands with guidance or correction, improving with practice. Performs most basic commands reliably, occasional corrections needed. Immediately performs all basic commands with ease and precision, no corrections needed.
Desensitization Easily startled by noises, unfamiliar objects, or grooming tools, shows fear. Some anxiety in new situations but able to recover with reassurance. Calm and composed in most situations, occasional hesitation with loud noises or new stimuli. Fully desensitized to noises, grooming, and unfamiliar objects; remains calm and confident.
Confidence Building Frequently displays anxiety or uncertainty, avoids new situations. Displays moments of confidence but may still hesitate in challenging situations. Shows good confidence in most situations, occasional need for reassurance. Extremely confident in all situations, comfortable with new experiences and environments.
Impulse Control Often jumps, nips, or chews without restraint, unable to control impulses. Improving in controlling impulses but still needs reminders and correction. Demonstrates good impulse control most of the time, with occasional lapses. Excellent impulse control, avoids jumping, nipping, and chewing, even when excited or tempted.


Training Program Focus Areas:

  1. Socialization

  2. Obedience

  3. Leash Training

  4. Crate Training

  5. Potty Training

  6. Recall & Name Recognition

  7. Basic Commands (Sit, Stay, Down)

  8. Desensitization (Noise, Objects, Grooming)

  9. Confidence Building (Stairs, New Spaces)

  10. Impulse Control (Biting, Jumping, Chewing)