
Coat Genetics in Poodles & Doodles

Poodles are known for their curly, hypoallergenic coats that come in a variety of colors. The genetics of coat color in poodles is complex and involves multiple genes.

There are four basic coat colors in poodles: black, white, apricot, and red. These colors are determined by the presence or absence of certain pigments called eumelanin and phaeomelanin. Eumelanin is responsible for black and brown shades, while phaeomelanin is responsible for red and yellow shades.

The coat color genes in poodles are incompletely dominant, which means that the expression of one gene can be modified by the presence of another gene. This can result in a wide range of coat colors and patterns in poodles, including solid colors, parti-colors (a coat with two or more colors), and phantom patterns (a coat with solid color on the head and legs and a different color on the body).

Other genes can also affect the appearance of a poodle's coat. For example, the "sable" gene can give a poodle's coat a "tipped" appearance, with the tips of the hairs being a different color than the base. The "fading" gene can cause a poodle's coat to lighten as it gets older.

In addition to coat color, poodles can also have different coat types, such as standard (long, curly), miniature (short, curly), or toy (very short, curly). The genetics of coat type in poodles is not well understood.

Overall, the genetics of coat color and type in poodles is complex and involves multiple genes. A poodle's coat color and type is determined by the combination of genes inherited from its parents, which can result in a wide range of coat colors and types.

Some Basic Genetic Terminology: source

Locus: The specific physical location of a gene on a chromosome (plural loci)

Allele: One of two or more versions of a gene. A dog inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent. If the two alleles are the same, the dog is said to be homozygous. If the alleles are different, the dog is deemed heterozygous.

Genotype: The combination of alleles that a dog has at a particular locus

Phenotype: The physical appearance impacted by the genotype and/or environment

Recessive: Two copies of an allele are needed to express the phenotype (a recessive allele is hidden in heterozygous dogs)

Dominant: Only one copy of an allele is needed to express the phenotype (a dominant allele will hide the other allele if the dog is a heterozygote)

Coat, Nose, Paw Pad, and Eye Color Pigment:

For a dog, all black or brown (“liver”) areas are caused by cells producing eumelanin (black/brown pigment). However, there are genes that change the structure or production of eumelanin, changing the phenotype to brown, blue, or isabella. Brown is caused by a change in the structure of eumelanin, blue is diluted black pigment, and isabella is diluted brown pigment.

Phaeomelanin is a reddish-yellow pigment produced in the coat. It does not occur in the eyes or the nose; only eumelanin occurs in those areas so only genes that affect eumelanin can affect their color. You will learn more about phaeomelanin when we discuss the E locus.

(Fawn/Sable, Tricolor/Tan Points, Solid Black)



There have been four different alleles identified in a dog’s genes that signal the agouti coloration (this coloration can be exemplified as the coloration of the wild brown rabbit), also known as the A locus. If you’d like to learn more about the difference between an allele and a gene, click here. These alleles are Ay, aw, at, and a.
These alleles are dominant in a hierarchy. This means that Ay is more dominant than aw, aw is more dominant than at, and at is more dominant than a. For example, if a dog is Ay/at, the color associated with Ay will appear on the dog, rather than the color associated with at. However, this is all dependent on whether or not the dog carries the dominant black gene at the K locus or the recessive gene on the E locus. If a dog carries one or both of these genes, the A locus is muted and the agouti coloration will not appear on the dog. This is because both the K locus and the E locus are dominant over the A locus.

The agouti gene (A Locus) determines the base coat color in dogs that are ky/ky for dominant black. Dogs must be ky/ky in order to express any alleles on the A locus. The color of the dog can still be modified by other genes, such as by the B locus or D locus, however. For example, if a dog is b/b (recessive) for the B locus, they will still have areas that are pigmented as black. However, it will be modified to appear as a chocolate pigment.

However, if a dog’s A locus codes for the fawn coloration and the dog is b/b for the B locus, the fawn dog will have a chocolate nose. In contrast, a dog that is at/at will have a chocolate and tan coat, rather than black and tan. If a dog is n/n for the gene, that means that the dog is recessive for this gene and the typical colors associated with the pattern are not expressed. This is a generic term used to refer to the expression of any coat color.

The "Ay" Allele

The Ay allele is the most dominant of all four alleles on the A locus. The Ay gene produces a range of coat colors like light fawn colors, darker red colors, or even sable. This variation of color is due to variances in the expression of this gene. Dogs that are ky/ky for the K locus and have one or two copies of the Ay allele will always express the Ay coat pattern. This is because the Ay allele is more dominant than the ky allele expression. It is important to note, however, that a dog can appear as fawn or sable and could also carry any other of the three alleles. These other alleles, however, would not be expressed, and a person wouldn’t be able to tell the dog had the ability to produce other traits based on looks.

This does not mean that the dog with a fawn coat (Ay) will always pass on a copy of the Ay allele or the coat color that the parent has. A dog that is Ay/aw, Ay/C, or Ay/a has a 50% chance of passing on the Ay allele and a 50% chance of passing on the other alleles. A dog that has two copies of the Ay allele will always pass on the Ay allele. As long as that dog is bred to another dog that is n/n (recessive) for the K locus, the dog will always produce fawn or sable pups.

The "aw" Allele

The aw allele produces a color known as "wild sable." This coat coloration is sometimes called the "wild type," or in some breeds, "wild boar." With this coloration, the hairs switch pigmentation from a black color to a reddish or fawn color. This color is sometimes seen in German Shepherds and other shepherd breeds. It is recessive only to the Ay allele. This also means that it is dominant to the at and a alleles, and will be expressed before the at and a alleles. If a dog is n/n for the Ay allele (meaning this allele is not expressed), a dog with one or two copies of the aw allele will express the aw coloration. A dog that is n/n for Ay and has one copy of the aw allele can carry either the at or a allele and not express them. However, even though the at and a alleles do not appear as a trait on the coat, either allele can be passed to any offspring.

The "at" Allele

Both the black-and-tan and tricolor phenotypes (expressed traits) are caused by the at allele. A tricolor dog is black-and-tan, with white. White is generally just an absence of color, rather than a pigment the dog expresses. For a dog to be black-and-tan or tricolor, he must be n/n for the dominant black gene (the K locus). This means that the K locus is not expressed, and the dog will not be black. Furthermore, the dog must have either two copies of the at allele, or have one copy of the at allele and one copy of the a allele. The dog must be n/n for both the ay and aw alleles in order for at to be expressed. This is because the Ay and aw alleles are dominant over at. A dog that is at/at will always pass on a copy of the at allele to any offspring. This does not ensure that the puppies will be black-and-tan. The coat color of the offspring also depends on the genotype of the other parent.

The "a" Allele

If a dog is ky/ky on the K locus, the dog must be n/n for Ay, aw, and at in order for the dog to express the a/a coloration. A dog that is solid black with the recessive K locus must also have the recessive a/a allele in order to express the black coloration. It is important to make this distinction because a dog can also be solid black with kB/kB or kB/ky under the K locus. The A locus is not needed for this type of dog. Therefore, this type of black dog does not need the a/a coloration in order to express the black color. You can learn more about this type of dog by reading about the K locus or the B locus.

This is also the case for dogs that are bicolor and are negative for the K locus (ky/ky). This is generally the cause of a solid black German Shepherd. The a allele is sometimes referred to as the recessive black gene. Because this allele is the most recessive, for a dog to express this phenotype he must have two copies of the a allele and be n/n for Ay, aw, and at. A recessive black dog will always pass on the a allele to all offspring.

 In most dog breeds the Agouti gene is only visible if the dog does not carry the dominant black gene. The dog can still carry any of the agouti alleles. However, this effect is usually hidden by the dominant black gene.

A Locus Testing:

Animal Genetics currently offers tests for the "Ay", "at", "aw" and "a" allele. Dogs can be DNA tested at ANY age.

ay-Allele Results:

Ay/Ay The dog carries two copies of the dominant Ay allele. In most breeds the dog will have a fawn or sable colored coat if ky/ky and will always pass on the "Ay" allele to any potential offspring. All offspring will also be fawn or sable dogs if bred to another ky/ky dog.n/AyOne copy of the dominant Ay allele is present. The dog will have a fawn or sable coat color if ky/ky and can pass on either allele to potential offspring.n/nThe dog does not carry the Ay allele, and will not have a fawn or sable coat pattern.

aw-Allele Results:

aw/aw The dog carries two copies of the wild sable allele. The dog, if ky/ky, will exhibit the wild sable phenotype, and will always pass on the wild sable allele to any offspring. n/aw One copy of the aw allele is present. The dog can pass on either allele to potential offspring.n/nThe dog does not carry the aw allele, and will not have a wild sable coat pattern.

at-Allele Results:

at/at The dog carries two copies of the at allele. The dog will have a black and tan or tricolored coat if the dog is ky/ky and will always pass on the at allele to any potential offspring.n/atOne copy of at allele. If Ay/at the dominant Ay allele will show. If aw/at the dominant aw allele will show. If a/at the dominant At allele will show. The dog will pass on either allele to potential offspring.n/nThe dog does not carry the at allele, and will not have a black and tan or tricolored coat pattern.

a-Allele Results:

a/a The dog carries two copies of the recessive solid black allele "a". The dog will have a solid black or bicolor coat, and will always pass on a copy of the allele to future offspring.n/aOnly one copy of the recessive solid black allele is present. The dog will not express the recessive black coat color. However, the dog can still pass on a copy to any offspring.n/nThe dog does not carry the recessive solid black allele. The dog will not express the recessive black coat color and cannot pass it on to any offspring.

B-Locus (Brown, Liver, Chocolate)



TYRP1, or tyrosinase-related protein 1, is a protein that plays a role in the creation of the pigment eumelanin. This pigment is what causes the darkening of a dog’s coat color, creating black or brown coats. In the dominant form of the TYRP1 gene (aka the B Locus), enough eumelanin is produced so that the dog's coat appears black instead of chocolate. This dominant form appears when the dog has the “B” allele.

A mutation in the TYRP1 gene can occur, causing a change in the production of the eumelanin. This dilutes the black color pigment into a brown color. This mutated gene is known as the "b" allele. When a dog is homozygous for the mutation, meaning he has two copies of the recessive allele (b/b), all black pigment appears brown. This color can also be referred to as liver or chocolate. In some breeds (such as the Australian Shepherd), this color is referred to as red. However, the B allele is dominant over the b allele. Therefore, a dog that is B/b or B/B will have a black coat, and not chocolate. The dog must have b/b in order to have a variation of the brown coloration.

The black (B) allele is dominant to the brown alleles (bs, bd, bc). If the dog is negative (n/n) for the dominant B allele, the dog will then be b/b and can display the colorations of bs, bd, or bc. These are three common mutations of the b/b allele. These will result in brown colors, instead of the black eumelanin production. It’s important to note that some breeds have additional mutations that can cause the chocolate coat color. These mutations have not been identified yet, however. For example, the exact cause for a different form of chocolate in French Bulldogs has not been determined, so there is no current way to test for this type chocolate.

Because TYRP1 is only associated with eumelanin, this mutation only has an effect on coat color of dogs that are E/E or E/e at the E locus. In order for a dog to have the opportunity to display colorations related to the B Locus, the dog must first have the dominant form of the E locus (E/E or E/e). Dogs that have the e/e allele only produce phaeomelanin in their coats. Phaeomelanin does not produce the darker coat colors. If a dog does not have E/e or E/E, a mutation at the B-locus will not have an effect on their coat color.
However, eumelanin is still produced in the foot pads and noses of dogs. These can appear yellow to red if recessive (e/e at MC1R), so the B locus still has an effect on these areas. Dogs that are e/e: b/b will have a brown nose and brown foot pads, rather than black. TYRP1 mutations can affect the nose and pad coloration, changing it from black to brown. Yellow lab puppies can have black or brown noses. However, the Vizsla breed will always have brown or flesh-colored noses.

B Locus Testing:

Animal Genetics currently offers a test for the B-Locus to determine how many copies of the recessive "b" allele a dog carries. Dogs can be DNA tested at ANY age.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for TYRP1 allele. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

  Additional causes of this trait exist. A negative result for this mutation does not eliminate the possibility that an additional, yet unidentified mutation or mutations in the genome may lead to a similar trait.

B/b-Allele Results:

B/BBlackThe dog carries two copies of the TYRP1 allele. In most cases the dog will express black pigment rather than chocolate, and will always pass on the "B" allele to any potential offspring.

B/bBlackBoth the dominant and recessive copies of the TYRP1 allele are present. In most cases the dog will express black pigment rather than brown, but carries the allele responsible for the brown phenotype. The dog can pass on either allele to potential offspring.b/ bBrownTwo copies of the recessive TYRP1 allele are present. In most cases the dog will express brown pigment rather than black as well as a brown nose and foot pads. The dog will always pass on the recessive allele to all potential offspring.

Dilute Coat Color D-Locus and New D2-Locus


The MLPH gene codes for a protein called melanophilin, which is responsible for transporting and fixing melanin-containing cells. A mutation in this gene leads to improper distribution of these cells, causing a diluted coat color. The mutation causing color dilution is recessive, and two copies of the mutated gene (the D allele or the D locus) are needed to produce the diluted coat color.

The MLPH mutation affects both eumelanin and phaeomelanin pigments. These pigments control the color of the dog. Black, brown, and yellow dogs can all be affected by the D locus. However, the effects of the dilution are more pronounced in black dogs. A diluted black dog becomes known as a blue dog. Names for this color trait vary across the different breeds, with blue, charcoal, slate, or grey being common names. A diluted chocolate dog is often referred to as a lilac or isabella and a diluted yellow dog is offten called champagne. Dogs that express the diluted phenotype have a d/d or d2 genotype. They are coded as B/B, B/b, or b/b and E/E, E/e, or e/e respectively, with regards to the E and B loci, which determine coat color.

Because the mutations responsible for the dilution phenotype are recessive, a dog can carry one of the two dilution variants and still express a normal coat color. These dogs can pass on either the full-colored genes or the diluted traits' alleles to any offspring. This means that two dogs that are full-colored can have a diluted puppy. This makes DNA testing for the D locus an important breeding tool, whether breeding for a dilute coat, or to avoid it.

 Animal Genetics now offers a test for a second recessive mutation affecting dilution of coat color. This mutation was identified in a number of dog breeds where individual dogs had a diluted coat color, yet tested non-dilute. The additional variant works with the MLPH variant to dilute hair and skin in the same way. A diluted dog can be d/d, d/d2, or d2/d2. When a dilute test is requested, Animal Genetics tests for both d and d2 alleles.

D Locus Testing:

Animal Genetics currently offers testing for two different types of dilute tests that can determine how many copies of the recessive MLPH allele a dog carries. Dogs can be have their DNA tested at any age.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for 2 different types of dilute. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutations and presents results as one of the following:

Additional causes of this trait may exist. A negative result for this mutation does not eliminate the possibility that an additional, yet unidentified, mutation or mutations in the genome may lead to a similar trait.

D/D Non-diluteThe dog carries two copies of the non mutated MLPH allele. In most cases the dog will express a normal, non-dilute coat color and will always pass on a copy of the "D" allele to all offspring.

D/d Carrier of diluteBoth the dominant and recessive MLPH alleles detected. In most cases the dog will have a normal, non-dilute coat and is a carrier of the dilute coat color. The dog can pass either MLPH allele on to any offspring.d/dDiluteThe dog has two copies of the recessive mutated MLPH allele. In most cases the dog will have a dilute colored coat. He will always pass on a copy of the MLPH allele on to any offspring.D/d2Carrier of diluteBoth the dominant non mutated MLPH allele and recessive d2 mutated MLPH alleles detected. In most cases the dog will have a normal, non-dilute coat and is a carrier of the d2 dilute coat color. The dog can pass either MLPH allele on to any offspring.

d2/d2 DiluteThe dog has two copies of the d2 recessive mutated MLPH allele. In most cases the dog will have a dilute colored coat and will always pass on a copy of the MLPH allele on to any offspring.

d/d2 DiluteThe dog carries one copy of d and one copy of d2 mutated MLPH allele. In most cases the dog will have a dilute colored coat and will always pass on a copy of either MLPH mutated allele on to any offspring.

E-Locus (Recessive Red/Yellow, Melanistic Mask Allele)


MC1R, also known as the extension gene, controls production of pigment in melanocytes. Melanocytes are cells that control the coloration of skin or fur. The dominant form of the gene, the "E" allele, allows the dog to produce eumelanin, which is a black pigment. This can appear either as E/e or E/E. A mutation in the MC1R gene causes the pigment-producing cells to only produce phaeomelanin instead of eumelanin. This turns all the eumelanin in the coat to phaeomelanin. This form of the gene is represented as the "e" allele. The e allele is recessive (e/e), meaning that a dog must have two copies of the MC1R mutation to express the yellow or red coat color. Recessive red can mask other color variants. It can even mask the merle coloration.

 A third allele exists in the extension gene: Em. Em is also dominant. This means a dog can have Em/e or Em/Em in order for the Em coloration to be expressed. This causes the dog to have a black mask on their face. This mask is also known as a melanistic mask. This allele acts similarly to the E allele in that it causes a black-based coat. Because it is dominant, a dog only needs one copy of the Em allele to express this trait. In solid, black dogs with a copy of the Em allele, the mask is hidden. This is because the mask and the fur color are both black, and the mask then becomes “invisible.” However, the dog can still pass on the melanistic mask to future offspring, even if the mask cannot be seen. The e/e genotype can vary in expression between different breeds. In some breeds, the difference between a black/brown dog and a yellow dog is obvious (i.e. Labrador Retrievers). However, in other breeds, such as Cocker Spaniels, this difference may be more subtle. Other breeds express the e/e phenotype as a red color.

 It is important to note that the extension gene is only one of four important genes in determining the coat color of a canine. The dog's color can vary greatly with different mutated alleles on other genes. Dogs that are e/e will always be yellow. However, there is a great deal of variation of dogs that are E/E or E/e depending on the B locus, A locus, K locus, and D locus. To find out more about these variations, make sure to read the corresponding articles.

E Locus Testing:

The MC1R gene, or E Locus, has three possible forms: Black (E), melanistic mask (Em), and Red/Yellow (ee). The E-Allele test determines how many copies of the recessive "e" alleles a dog carries. The Em-Allele test determines how many copies of the melanistic mask allele a dog carries.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for both E and Em alleles. The genetic test verifies the presence of these mutations and presents results as one of the following:

e-Allele Results:

E/E BlackThe dog carries two copies of the dominant E allele. The dog will produce normal black pigmentation, and will always pass on the "E" allele to any potential offspring.E/eBlack carries Red/YellowBoth the dominant and recessive copies of the E allele are present. The dog will produce normal black pigment, but carries the allele responsible for the Red/Yellow phenotype. The dog can pass on either allele to potential offspring.e/eRed/YellowTwo copies of the recessive allele are present. The dog has a Red/Yellow coat, and will always pass on the recessive allele to all potential offspring.

Em-Allele Results:

Em/Em Black MaskThe dog carries two copies of the melanistic mask allele. The dog has a melanistic mask, and will always pass on a copy of the Em allele to potential offspring. All offspring will also have a melanistic mask.Em/nBlack MaskOne copy of the melanistic mask allele is present, and the dog will have a black mask. The dog has a 50% chance of passing on this allele to potential offspring.n/nNo Black MaskDog tested negative for the melanistic mask allele. The dog will not have a black mask, and cannot pass a copy on to any offspring.

Combination E-Locus Results:

E/EBlackDog carries two copies of the dominant E allele. The dog does not carry the alleles for the black mask or recessive Red/Yellow.Em/EmBlack MaskDog carries two copies of the black mask allele, and will always pass on a copy of the mask allele to any offspring. The dog does not carry recessive Red/Yellow.Em/EBlack MaskDog carries one copy of the mask allele, and does not carry the allele for recessive Red/Yellow.Em/eBlack MaskDog carries one copy of the mask allele and one copy of the recessive allele. The dog could pass on either allele to any offspring.E/eBlackDog carries one copy of the recessive allele, and does not carry the mask allele.e/eRed/YellowDog has two copies of the recessive allele, and does not have the mask allele. The dog will always pass on a copy of the recessive allele to any offspring.

(H-Locus) Harlequin Pattern In Great Danes


Harlequin is a coat pattern recognized only in Great Danes. The harlequin pattern is a result of a complex interaction between variances in the merle and the harlequin loci (M and H loci). The harlequin variant acts as a modifier of merle. All harlequin dogs must have one or two copies of the mutation responsible for the merle coloration pattern. Harlequin patterns cannot be expressed in dogs that are not merle or only have red pigment.
The dominant merle gene produces a coat consisting of dark spots on a diluted background. If a merle dog also inherits a single copy of the harlequin gene, the dark spots increase in size and the background pigment is eliminated.
Harlequin is presumed to be homozygous embryonic lethal. This means that if a dog inherits two copies of the H locus allele (H/H), the dog typically dies as an embryo and does not survive once born. No animals have been observed with 2 copies of the mutated gene. Therefore, all harlequin patterned dogs have only copy of the mutated gene (H/n). This means that all dogs are either n/n for harlequin (no harlequin pattern) or H/n (harlequin pattern).

 According to research conducted Dr. Leigh Anne Clark at Clemson University, over 59% of harlequin-bred black or non-merle dogs (including those with the mantle coloration) carry the harlequin mutation.

H Locus Testing:

Animal Genetics offers a test for the H-Locus to determine if your dog carries a copy of the gene mutation. Dogs can be DNA tested at ANY age.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for PSMB7 mutation. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

K-Locus (Dominant Black)



Coat coloration is controlled by several different genes in dogs. The K locus, also known as the dominant black gene, is due to a mutation in a Beta-defensin gene (CBD103). This gene binds proteins and other pigment type cells to produce the different variations of the K locus. This gene occurs in certain breeds and has an important impact on many types of colorations.
The K locus is dependent on the E locus. If the E locus genotype is e/e (recessive), the K locus is not expressed. However, if the E locus is coded as E/E or E/e, the K locus is still expressed. To learn more about the E locus, click here.

The “KB” Allele

The dominant black gene consists of three different alleles, or variants. The first allele, which is dominant, is notated as "KB," or dominant black. The dominant black allele is actually a mutation that reduces or eliminates the expression of the agouti gene (A locus). To learn more about the agouti gene, click here. Because this mutation is dominant, a dog only needs to have one copy of the mutation to affect the agouti locus. If a dog is KB/KB or KB/n that means that they will be solid black in color.

The “Kbr” Allele

The second allele is known as the "brindling" allele, and is represented as "Kbr." The Kbr allele is a separate mutation that allows the A locus to be expressed. However, the expression causes a brindling of the agouti patterns. The A locus represents several different colors, such as fawn/sable, tricolor, tan points, or recessive black. The Kbr allele is recessive to the KB allele. This means that if a dog’s genotype is KB/Kbr, they will still be black in color. Kbr is, however, dominant over the third allele, Ky.

The “Ky” Allele


The third allele is represented as "Ky.” This allele allows the agouti gene to be expressed without brindling. If a dog is Ky/Ky at the K locus, the A locus then determines the dog's coat color. The Ky allele is recessive to both KB and Kbr. This means that if the dog has a genotype of KB/Ky or Kbr/Ky, the dog will not express the A locus like a Ky/Ky dog would. A KB dog would be black and the Kbr dog would express a brindled A locus allele.

For example, a dog that is Ay/Ay at the A locus could be fawn/sable if the dog is Ky/Ky. However, if that same dog is KB/KB at the K locus, the A locus expression will be hidden. His coloration will be determined at the B and E loci and there is a good chance the dog will be black. However, if that same dog is Ky/Ky at the K locus, he will then be able to express colorations on the A locus, and will be fawn/sable.

At this time, there is no direct test for the Kbr allele. The allele can generally be inferred through testing for the presence of the dominant black allele, as well as through the phenotypes of the parents and offspring. Testing for the dominant black mutation determines if the dog is able to express the agouti phenotypes (A locus). However, the test is limited in that it will not tell you if the dog will pass on brindle colorations.

K Locus Testing:

Animal Genetics currently offers a test for the K Locus to determine how many copies of the dominant "KB" allele a dog carries. Dogs can be DNA tested at ANY age.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for the dominant KB allele. The genetic test verifies the presence of the dominant mutation and presents results as one of the following:

KB/KB The dog carries two copies of the dominant "KB" allele. The dog will not have fawn offspring. The dog will always pass on a copy of the "KB" allele to all offspring.

KB/n One copy of the dominant black allele was detected. The agouti phenotype will be altered and in some breeds can result in brindle. The dog could pass on this allele, or either the brindle or fawn allele, to any offspring.n/nThe dog does not carry the dominant black mutation. The dog's coat color will be determined by the agouti gene, and may pass on brindle or non-brindle.

M-Locus Merle (Merle / Cryptic Merle)


Merle is a coat pattern found in Australian Shepherds, Collies, Shelties, and a number of other dog breeds.  This particular phenotype is inherited as an autosomal, incompletely dominant trait. The merle gene creates mottled patches of color in a solid or piebald coat, blue or odd-colored eyes, and affects skin pigment. Animals that are “double merle,” a common term used for dogs that are homozygous (having two copies) of the merle (M/M) trait, are predominantly white and prone to several health issues.  

The chances of having puppies that develop health issues increase when two merles are bred together. It is recommended that a merle dog only be bred to a non-merle/non-cryptic Merle dog. Cryptic merle dogs do not appear to be merle, but contain the merle gene. Many solid dogs are actually cryptic, also known as phantom, merles and can produce both merle and double merles if not careful.
Merle can affect all coat colors. Recessive red dogs can also be affected by merle, but the patches are either hardly seen or (if the dog is a clear, recessive red) are not visible at all.  Combinations such as brindle merle exist, but are not typically accepted in breed standards.

In addition to altering base coat color, merle also modifies eye color and the coloring of the nose and paw pads. The merle gene modifies the dark pigment in the eyes, occasionally changing dark eyes to blue, or only part of the eye to blue. Since Merle causes random modifications, both dark-eyed, blue-eyed, and odd-colored eyes are possible. Color on paw pads and nose may be mottled pink and black.


If two carriers (M/m) are bred with one another, there is a 25% chance per puppy born that they will be homozygous (M/M) for the merle trait. These are also known as "double merles." A high percentage of double merle puppies have vision or hearing deficiencies.

A cryptic or phantom merle is a dog which phenotypically appears to be a non-merle (solid-colored) or a dog that has very faint patches of merle that can go unnoticed. Animals that do not present the merle phenotype may possess the merle genotype and subsequently produce merle offspring. These animals are known as cryptic merles, as they don't appear to be merle but can produce merles


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for (PMEL17) mutation. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

M/M Double MerleDog carries two copies of the dominant "M" allele. The dog is considered an affected, "double Merle" because M/M dogs can be affected by deafness and ocular defects. M/M dogs will always pass on a copy of Merle to their offspring.

M/m MerleDog has one copy of the "M" Merle allele and one negative "m" copy of Merle allele. The dog can pass either allele on to any offspring.m/mNegativeDog has two copies of the recessive "m" allele and is negative for Merle. The dog will always pass on a negative copy of the Merle allele to all offspring.

CR/CR Double CrypticDog carries two copies of the Cryptic "CR" allele.m/CRMerleDog has one copy of the Cryptic "CR" allele and one negative "m" copy of Merle allele. The dog can pass either allele on to any offspring.m/mNegativeDog is negative for Cryptic "C" allele. The dog will always pass on a negative copy of the Merle allele to all offspring.

M/CRMerle/CrypticDog carries one copy of the dominant "M" allele and one Cryptic Merle allele. The dog is considered a Merle, and caries Cryptic Merle. The dog can pass either allele on to any offspring


BMC Vet Res. 2006 Feb. 27;2:9. Coat colour in dogs: identification of the Merle locus in the Australian shepherd breed. Hédan B1, Corre S, Hitte C, Dréano S, Vilboux T, Derrien T, Denis B, Galibert F, Galibert MD, André C.

Dog Coat color (S Locus) Parti, Piebald, or Random White Spotting



There is no single basis for white spotted patterns that occur in animals like cats, dogs and horses. In horses, random white spotting, or deletions of color, have been determined to be caused by more than half a dozen known genetic factors.  In more than 25 different dog breeds, a mutation found in a gene called the Microphthalmia Associated Transcription Factor-(MITF) is associated with a piebald spotting.

In many breeds, piebald behaves as a “dosage”-dependent trait. This means that the amount of white a dog expresses depends on how many copies of the S locus allele a dog receives. Dogs like the French Bulldog who have a single copy of the MITF variant (S locus allele) will express a limited white spotting pattern. Dogs that have 2 copies (S/S) of the variant will exhibit more white with very little color. In some breeds, dogs that are coded as S/S are completely white, while dogs that are n/S have what is referred to as the mantle coloration. The mantle coloration is seen in several breeds of dogs, but is perhaps best exemplified by the Great Dane (black with a white chest/throat and feet). 

As with horses and other animals, dog breeds with white spotting patterns or color deletion can be affected by additional mutations in the S locus and/or other genes that effect both coat color deletion and distribution. For example, the Irish spotting pattern (similar to mantle) seen in many breeds of dogs like Collies or Shelties is not caused by this mutation. Other examples include English Bulldogs that may test negative for the MITF variant but phenotypically look almost completely white. In minimally expressed pied French Bulldogs many test positive for only one copy of the MITF variant.

Irish Spotting

Irish spotting (si) is the pattern sometimes known as "boston" or "mantle", although these terms do not always refer to "true" irish spotting. On a dog with irish spotting, white is found on the legs, the tip of the tail, the chest, neck and muzzle. Many dogs with this pattern have a full white neck ring and a blaze.

True Irish spotting is caused by an as yet unidentified gene, but we can assume irish spotted dogs to be homozygous for it (sisi) as it breeds true. This means that two Irish spotted dogs bred together will produce puppies with irish spotting, and the white will not increase. We can assume that a solid dog bred to an irish spotted dog will produce a heterozygous dog with less white (a white trim).

The Aussies, Border Collie and Bernese Mountain Dog here are all true Irish spotted. None of these breeds regularly come in piebald or extreme white and their white markings breed true (implying they are homozygotes).

Finally, a "flashy" Irish spotted dog (one with more white than usual) may be caused by a combination of si and sp. If a true irish spotted dog also carries an sp allele then the normal white pattern may be extended. This supports the theory that si is actually on a different locus, as the two alleles appear to be inherited completely separately. (source:

S Locus Testing:

Animal Genetics offers a test for the S-Locus to determine allele a dog is Parti, Piebald, or Random White Spotting Dogs can be DNA tested at ANY age.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing specific for the mutation in MITF known to be associated with piebald/random white spotting. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following. Note- white patterns will vary among individuals and from breed to breed.

* Additional causes of this trait exist. A negative result for this mutation does not eliminate the possibility that an additional, yet unidentified mutation or mutations in the genome may lead to a similar trait.

S-Allele Results:

S/SPiebaldThe dog carries two copies of the MITF S allele. The dog may have limited coat color and will always pass on the "S" allele to any potential offspring.n/SCarrierThe dog carries a single copy of the S allele. In some breeds the dog may have limited random coat color deletion. The dog can pass on either allele to potential offspring.n/ nNegativeNo copies of the MITF S allele where detected. The dog will not pass the MITF mutation on to offspring. Other yet unidentified causes of color deletion may exist.
Canine Hair Curl (C1 & C2) and Risk Factor For Follicular Dysplasia in Dogs


There are three variables involved in canine coat types:  the length of the coat, the presence of furnishings, and the presence of curly hair. Hair curl or wavy coat is a dominant characteristic caused by 2 separate known mutations in the KRT71 gene. This gene codes for keratin, a protein that determines the type of hair a dog will have.
These mutations are fixed in some breeds such as C2 in Curly-coat Retrievers. However, the mutation is variable in other breeds, such as the Kuvasz. The hair curl mutations can also be accompanied by the other mutations that can change coat length and type. For example, the Airedale Terrier has both the curly coat and furnishings that are responsible for their trademark eyelashes and mustaches. Other breeds, such as the Standard Poodle, can have all three mutations, creating a long-haired curly coat with furnishings.

The C2 variant causes a slightly different type of curl or wavy coat than the first described curl variant. In addition to hair curl the C2/C2 allele is also believed to be a genetic risk factor for follicular dysplasia in some breeds.
Because the hair curl gene is dominant, a dog only needs to have single copy of either curle variant to express that phenotype. This can appear as either n/C , C/C, n/C2, C2/C2 or C/C2. Hair curl would not appear in dogs whose gene codes as recessive (n/n). A dog can carry the allele responsible for non-curly hair, and could pass the recessive allele on to any offspring. If two dogs that are both carriers of the non-curl gene are bred (n/C) or N/C2, there is a 25% chance per puppy that they will inherit the recessive alleles (n/n), resulting in a dog with non-curly hair.

Hair Curl (KRT71 gene) Testing:

Animal Genetics offers testing for 2 separate mutations in the KRT71 gene that control hair curl or wave.

Dogs can be DNA tested at ANY age.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for two different types of curl or wavy hair. The genetic test verifies the presence of both KRT71 gene mutations and presents results as one of the following:

C/C Curly HairThe dog has two copies of the hair curl allele. The dog will have curly hair, and will always pass on a copy of the hair curl allele to any offspring. All offspring of this dog will have curly hair.

n/C Curly HairThe dog will have curly hair, and carries the gene responsible for non-curly hair. The dog can pass on a copy of either allele to any offspring.n/nNon-Curly HairThe dog is negative for the hair curl allele. The dog will have non-curly hair, and will always pass on the allele responsible for non-curly hair to any offspring

n/C2 Curly HairDog has one copy of the C2 mutation associated with curly or wavy coat. The dog can pass on a copy of either allele to any offspring.C2/C2Curly HairDog has two copies of the C2 mutation associated with curly or wavy coat. The dog will have curly or wavy hair, and will always pass on a copy of the C2 allele to any offspring. All offspring of this dog will have curly or wavy hair.

C/C2 Curly HairDog has a copy of both mutations responsible for curly or wavy coat. The dog will have curly hair, and will always pass on a copy of either C or C2 hair curl allele to any offspring. All offspring of this dog will have curly or wavy hair. At STOKESHIRE, We breed for a fleece loose curl.

Canine Hair Furnishings 1-2


The term "furnishings" refers to the longer moustache and eyebrows seen in dogs with wire hair, as well as some other breeds. Some breeds are fixed for this trait, such as the Airedale Terrier, which is known for their longer mustaches. However, in other breeds, this trait can be variable. In breeds such as the Portuguese Water Dog, furnishings can be variable. However, furnishings are required for a dog to adhere to the breed standard. In the Portuguese Water Dog, dogs without furnishings are referred to as having an "improper coat."

Gene: RSPO2

This gene is responsible for “furnishings”, which is another name for the mustache, beard, and eyebrows that are characteristic of breeds like the Schnauzer, Scottish Terrier, and Wire Haired Dachshund. A dog with an FF or FI result is likely to have furnishings. A dog with an II result will not have furnishings.

Furnishings are a dominant trait, meaning that a dog only needs to have one copy of the furnishings gene to show the physical trait. In order for a dog to display furnishings, the dog can either code as n/F or F/F. Dogs that are heterozygous (n/F) for the furnishings gene can pass on either the furnishings gene (F) or the non-furnishings gene (n) to any offspring. If two dogs are both heterozygous for furnishings, there is a 25% chance that each puppy could get the non-furnishings allele from each parent and not display that trait (n/n). This can make testing an important tool to be able to more accurately predict the type of coat of all the offspring being produced.

Improper Coat:

The breed standard for Labradoodle, Goldendoodles and Portuguese Water Dog requires “furnishings.” In these dog breeds, a lack of the dominant RSPO2 variant causes an improper coat, characterized by short hair on the head, face and legs.

Furnishings - 2

A novel Furnishings or Improper Coat variant (F2 ) was identified by Animal Genetics in several breeds of dogs. The mutation is recessive to the current RSPO2 variant (F1 ) but on its own causes a lesser form of furnishing. All requests for furnishings testing will include both F1 and F2 variants at no additional costs.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for dominant furnishings allele. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

* Additional causes of this trait may exist. A negative result for this mutation does not eliminate the possibility that an additional, yet unidentified mutation or mutations in the genome may lead to a similar trait.

Furnishings1-2 / Improper Coat results:

F/FFurnishingsThe dog has two copies of the standard furnishings allele. The dog will have furnishings, and will always produce puppies with furnishings. Dog is negative for Improper Coat. n/F Furnishings Dog has one copy of the Furnishings mutation; the dog will have furnishings will have longer hair on the muzzle and eyebrows. The dog can pass on a copy of either allele to any offspring. Dog has 1 copy of Improper Coat, and is a carrier.n/n Non-Furnished The dog is negative for the mutations associated with furnishings. The dog will have no furnishings, and will always pass on the allele responsible for no furnishings to any offspring. Dog has two copies of Improper Coat.F/F2 Furnishings The dog has one copy of standard furnishings allele and one copy of furnishings-2 allele. The dog will have normal furnishings, and will always produce puppies with some level of furnishings. Dog is negative for Improper Coat.F2/F2 Furnishings The dog has two copies of the furnishings-2 allele. The dog may display furnishings to a lesser extent, and will always produce puppies with some degree of furnishings.n/F2 Furnishings Dog has one copy of the Furnishings-2 mutation; the dog may display furnishings to a lesser extent. The dog can pass on a copy of either allele to any offspring. Dog has 1 copy of Improper Coat, and is a carrier.

Canine Hair Length


Some breeds of dogs, such as Labradors, always have a short-haired coat. Some breeds, such as Poodles, always have long hair. Other breeds can have either type of coat, like the Dachshund. This type of long coat is caused by a recessive genetic mutation in the FGF5 gene. The FGF5 gene controls the hair cycle and tells the hair when to stop growing.

 Because it is a recessive mutation, a dog must have two copies of the recessive long-hair allele (l/l) to cause the dog to have long hair. A dog that has short hair could have one or two copies of the short-hair allele (L/L or L/l) to have the short-hair phenotype. Thus, it is possible for two short-haired dogs (if they are both carriers of the long-haired allele, L/l) to have a litter of both long-haired and short-haired pups. If two carriers breed, there is 25% chance per puppy of inheriting the long-haired gene. This may be of a concern for breeds in which long hair does not fit the breed standard.

Hair Length Testing:

Animal Genetics currently offers a test to determine the number of copies of the recessive "long hair" allele a dog carries.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for the recessive "L" allele. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

L/LShort HairThe dog is negative for the long-hair allele. The dog will have short hair and will always pass on the allele responsible for short hair to any offspring.L/lShort HairBoth the dominant and recessive alleles detected. The dog will have short hair and carries the gene responsible for long hair. The dog can pass on a copy of either allele to any offspring.l/lLong HairThe dog has two copies of the long-hair allele. The dog will have long hair and will always pass on a copy of the long hair allele to any offspring.
Hair Shedding (MC5R)


As we know, not all dogs are alike. When it comes to how much hair they shed, the same is also very true! In certain dogs, the amount of shedding is far greater than in others. In fact, some breeds like Poodles shed very little, if at all. Research has identified a particular variant in a gene (MC5R) that can impact the degree of shedding in various breeds.
As is the case with many traits, the degree of shedding is not strictly regulated by a single gene, but rather by a combination of genes functioning together. Further research has identified a link between shedding (SD locus) and furnishings or improper coats (F locus). Thus, understanding the dog's furnishings and shedding genotype will help determine the dog’s overall degree of shedding (or lack thereof). 

The SD locus determines the scale of how much shedding there will be. It is closely tied to the furnishings gene. One copy of the SD variant (SD/n) results in low to moderate shedding. Meanwhile, two copies of the variant (SD/SD) results in the higher propensity to shed. Dogs that are negative for furnishings (n/n) also have a higher propensity to shed, while dogs that are F/F for furnishings are considered to be less prone to shedding. Dogs that are both SD/SD (high shedding) for shedding and negative (n/n) for furnishings are the most prone to shedding while dogs that are n/n for shedding and F/F for furnishings are the least prone to shedding of any genotype. Different combinations of genotypes will result in varying amounts of shedding.

Hair Shedding Testing:

Animal Genetics currently offers a test to determine the number of copies of the shedding allele a dog carries and the propensity towards shedding or not.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for the recessive "SD" allele. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

SD/SDHighThe has two copies of the shedding allele. The dog will have a higher propensity towards shedding and will always pass on the allele to any offspring.SD/NMediumThe has one copy of the shedding allele. The dog will have a average propensity towards shedding and will pass on the allele to any offspring 50% of the time.N/NLowThe has no copies of the shedding allele. The dog will have a low propensity towards shedding and will never pass on the allele to any offspring.


This test enables you to identify if a dog will have a naturally long or short tail. This test can also identify if the dog's tail is naturally short or if it has been docked. This can be important when breeding two short tailed dogs together.
The condition known as "bob-tail" or "short tail" is caused by a mutation in the Brachyury gene (a gene that codes for an important protein). The inherited trait is autosomal dominant. This means that a dog only has to carry a single copy of the gene in order for the dog to have a bob-tail. Dogs that carry one (BT/bt) or two copies (BT/BT) of the mutation will have a natural short tail. Dogs with two copies of the normal gene (who are bt/bt) will have normal tail length.
In the homozygous state (BT/BT), the Brachyury mutation is lethal in utero. For this reason, breeding two dogs with the bob-tail gene generally results in somewhat reduced litter sizes. This is important to realize when breeding short-tailed dogs with one another.

Bob Tail Testing:

Animal Genetics currently offers a test to determine the number of copies of the recessive bob-tail allele a dog carries. Dogs can be DNA tested at any age.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for dominant BT allele. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

BT/BT LethalThe dog carries two copy of the mutant gene. This condition is lethal in utero.

BT/nShort TailThe dog carries one copy of the normal gene and one copy of the mutant gene. The dog has a natural short tail. Heterozygous dogs can pass the mutation to their offspring with a probability of 50%.

n/nNormal TailThe dog has two copies of the normal gene and will have a normal tail.


Merle is a coat pattern found in Australian Shepherds, Collies, Shelties, and a number of other dog breeds.  This particular phenotype is inherited as an autosomal, incompletely dominant trait. The merle gene creates mottled patches of color in a solid or piebald coat, blue or odd-colored eyes, and affects skin pigment. Animals that are “double merle,” a common term used for dogs that are homozygous (having two copies) of the merle (M/M) trait, are predominantly white and prone to several health issues.  

The chances of having puppies that develop health issues increase when two merles are bred together. It is recommended that a merle dog only be bred to a non-merle/non-cryptic Merle dog. Cryptic merle dogs do not appear to be merle, but contain the merle gene. Many solid dogs are actually cryptic, also known as phantom, merles and can produce both merle and double merles if not careful.
Merle can affect all coat colors. Recessive red dogs can also be affected by merle, but the patches are either hardly seen or (if the dog is a clear, recessive red) are not visible at all.  Combinations such as brindle merle exist, but are not typically accepted in breed standards.

In addition to altering base coat color, merle also modifies eye color and the coloring of the nose and paw pads. The merle gene modifies the dark pigment in the eyes, occasionally changing dark eyes to blue, or only part of the eye to blue. Since Merle causes random modifications, both dark-eyed, blue-eyed, and odd-colored eyes are possible. Color on paw pads and nose may be mottled pink and black.


If two carriers (M/m) are bred with one another, there is a 25% chance per puppy born that they will be homozygous (M/M) for the merle trait. These are also known as "double merles." A high percentage of double merle puppies have vision or hearing deficiencies.

A cryptic or phantom merle is a dog which phenotypically appears to be a non-merle (solid-colored) or a dog that has very faint patches of merle that can go unnoticed. Animals that do not present the merle phenotype may possess the merle genotype and subsequently produce merle offspring. These animals are known as cryptic merles, as they don't appear to be merle but can produce merles.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for (PMEL17) mutation. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

M/M Double MerleDog carries two copies of the dominant "M" allele. The dog is considered an affected, "double Merle" because M/M dogs can be affected by deafness and ocular defects. M/M dogs will always pass on a copy of Merle to their offspring.

M/m MerleDog has one copy of the "M" Merle allele and one negative "m" copy of Merle allele. The dog can pass either allele on to any offspring.m/mNegativeDog has two copies of the recessive "m" allele and is negative for Merle. The dog will always pass on a negative copy of the Merle allele to all offspring.

CR/CR Double CrypticDog carries two copies of the Cryptic "CR" allele.m/CRMerleDog has one copy of the Cryptic "CR" allele and one negative "m" copy of Merle allele. The dog can pass either allele on to any offspring.m/mNegativeDog is negative for Cryptic "C" allele. The dog will always pass on a negative copy of the Merle allele to all offspring.

M/CRMerle/CrypticDog carries one copy of the dominant "M" allele and one Cryptic Merle allele. The dog is considered a Merle, and caries Cryptic Merle. The dog can pass either allele on to any offspring


BMC Vet Res. 2006 Feb. 27;2:9. Coat colour in dogs: identification of the Merle locus in the Australian shepherd breed. Hédan B1, Corre S, Hitte C, Dréano S, Vilboux T, Derrien T, Denis B, Galibert F, Galibert MD, André C.

Hair Curl (KRT71 gene) Testing:

Animal Genetics offers testing for 2 separate mutations in the KRT71 gene that control hair curl or wave.

Dogs can be DNA tested at ANY age.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for two different types of curl or wavy hair. The genetic test verifies the presence of both KRT71 gene mutations and presents results as one of the following:

C/C Curly HairThe dog has two copies of the hair curl allele. The dog will have curly hair, and will always pass on a copy of the hair curl allele to any offspring. All offspring of this dog will have curly hair.

n/C Curly HairThe dog will have curly hair, and carries the gene responsible for non-curly hair. The dog can pass on a copy of either allele to any offspring.n/nNon-Curly HairThe dog is negative for the hair curl allele. The dog will have non-curly hair, and will always pass on the allele responsible for non-curly hair to any offspring

n/C2 Curly HairDog has one copy of the C2 mutation associated with curly or wavy coat. The dog can pass on a copy of either allele to any offspring.C2/C2Curly HairDog has two copies of the C2 mutation associated with curly or wavy coat. The dog will have curly or wavy hair, and will always pass on a copy of the C2 allele to any offspring. All offspring of this dog will have curly or wavy hair.

C/C2 Curly HairDog has a copy of both mutations responsible for curly or wavy coat. The dog will have curly hair, and will always pass on a copy of either C or C2 hair curl allele to any offspring. All offspring of this dog will have curly or wavy hair. (THIS IS THE GOAL FOR STOKESHIRE DOODLES)

Canine Hair Furnishings 1-2


The term "furnishings" refers to the longer moustache and eyebrows seen in dogs with wire hair, as well as some other breeds. Some breeds are fixed for this trait, such as the Airedale Terrier, which is known for their longer mustaches. However, in other breeds, this trait can be variable. In breeds such as the Portuguese Water Dog, furnishings can be variable. However, furnishings are required for a dog to adhere to the breed standard. In the Portuguese Water Dog, dogs without furnishings are referred to as having an "improper coat."

Furnishings are a dominant trait, meaning that a dog only needs to have one copy of the furnishings gene to show the physical trait. In order for a dog to display furnishings, the dog can either code as n/F or F/F. Dogs that are heterozygous (n/F) for the furnishings gene can pass on either the furnishings gene (F) or the non-furnishings gene (n) to any offspring. If two dogs are both heterozygous for furnishings, there is a 25% chance that each puppy could get the non-furnishings allele from each parent and not display that trait (n/n). This can make testing an important tool to be able to more accurately predict the type of coat of all the offspring being produced.

Improper Coat:

The breed standard for Labradoodle, Goldendoodles and Portuguese Water Dog requires “furnishings.” In these dog breeds, a lack of the dominant RSPO2 variant causes an improper coat, characterized by short hair on the head, face and legs.

Furnishings - 2

A novel Furnishings or Improper Coat variant (F2 ) was identified by Animal Genetics in several breeds of dogs. The mutation is recessive to the current RSPO2 variant (F1 ) but on its own causes a lesser form of furnishing. All requests for furnishings testing will include both F1 and F2 variants at no additional costs.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for dominant furnishings allele. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

* Additional causes of this trait may exist. A negative result for this mutation does not eliminate the possibility that an additional, yet unidentified mutation or mutations in the genome may lead to a similar trait.

Furnishings1-2 / Improper Coat results:

F/FFurnishingsThe dog has two copies of the standard furnishings allele. The dog will have furnishings, and will always produce puppies with furnishings. Dog is negative for Improper Coat.n/FFurnishingsDog has one copy of the Furnishings mutation; the dog will have furnishings will have longer hair on the muzzle and eyebrows. The dog can pass on a copy of either allele to any offspring. Dog has 1 copy of Improper Coat, and is a carrier.n/nNon-FurnishedThe dog is negative for the mutations associated with furnishings. The dog will have no furnishings, and will always pass on the allele responsible for no furnishings to any offspring. Dog has two copies of Improper Coat.F/F2FurnishingsThe dog has one copy of standard furnishings allele and one copy of furnishings-2 allele. The dog will have normal furnishings, and will always produce puppies with some level of furnishings. Dog is negative for Improper Coat.F2/F2FurnishingsThe dog has two copies of the furnishings-2 allele. The dog may display furnishings to a lesser extent, and will always produce puppies with some degree of furnishings.n/F2FurnishingsDog has one copy of the Furnishings-2 mutation; the dog may display furnishings to a lesser extent. The dog can pass on a copy of either allele to any offspring. Dog has 1 copy of Improper Coat, and is a carrier.

Canine Hair Length


Some breeds of dogs, such as Labradors, always have a short-haired coat. Some breeds, such as Poodles, always have long hair. Other breeds can have either type of coat, like the Dachshund. This type of long coat is caused by a recessive genetic mutation in the FGF5 gene. The FGF5 gene controls the hair cycle and tells the hair when to stop growing.

 Because it is a recessive mutation, a dog must have two copies of the recessive long-hair allele (l/l) to cause the dog to have long hair. A dog that has short hair could have one or two copies of the short-hair allele (L/L or L/l) to have the short-hair phenotype. Thus, it is possible for two short-haired dogs (if they are both carriers of the long-haired allele, L/l) to have a litter of both long-haired and short-haired pups. If two carriers breed, there is 25% chance per puppy of inheriting the long-haired gene. This may be of a concern for breeds in which long hair does not fit the breed standard.

Hair Length Testing:

Animal Genetics currently offers a test to determine the number of copies of the recessive "long hair" allele a dog carries.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for the recessive "L" allele. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

L/LShort HairThe dog is negative for the long-hair allele. The dog will have short hair and will always pass on the allele responsible for short hair to any offspring.L/lShort HairBoth the dominant and recessive alleles detected. The dog will have short hair and carries the gene responsible for long hair. The dog can pass on a copy of either allele to any offspring.l/lLong HairThe dog has two copies of the long-hair allele. The dog will have long hair and will always pass on a copy of the long hair allele to any offspring.
Hair Shedding (MC5R)


As we know, not all dogs are alike. When it comes to how much hair they shed, the same is also very true! In certain dogs, the amount of shedding is far greater than in others. In fact, some breeds like Poodles shed very little, if at all. Research has identified a particular variant in a gene (MC5R) that can impact the degree of shedding in various breeds.
As is the case with many traits, the degree of shedding is not strictly regulated by a single gene, but rather by a combination of genes functioning together. Further research has identified a link between shedding (SD locus) and furnishings or improper coats (F locus). Thus, understanding the dog's furnishings and shedding genotype will help determine the dog’s overall degree of shedding (or lack thereof). 

The SD locus determines the scale of how much shedding there will be. It is closely tied to the furnishings gene. One copy of the SD variant (SD/n) results in low to moderate shedding. Meanwhile, two copies of the variant (SD/SD) results in the higher propensity to shed. Dogs that are negative for furnishings (n/n) also have a higher propensity to shed, while dogs that are F/F for furnishings are considered to be less prone to shedding. Dogs that are both SD/SD (high shedding) for shedding and negative (n/n) for furnishings are the most prone to shedding while dogs that are n/n for shedding and F/F for furnishings are the least prone to shedding of any genotype. Different combinations of genotypes will result in varying amounts of shedding.

Hair Shedding Testing:

Animal Genetics currently offers a test to determine the number of copies of the shedding allele a dog carries and the propensity towards shedding or not.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for the recessive "SD" allele. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

SD/SDHighThe has two copies of the shedding allele. The dog will have a higher propensity towards shedding and will always pass on the allele to any offspring.SD/NMediumThe has one copy of the shedding allele. The dog will have a average propensity towards shedding and will pass on the allele to any offspring 50% of the time.N/NLowThe has no copies of the shedding allele. The dog will have a low propensity towards shedding and will never pass on the allele to any offspring.


This test enables you to identify if a dog will have a naturally long or short tail. This test can also identify if the dog's tail is naturally short or if it has been docked. This can be important when breeding two short tailed dogs together.
The condition known as "bob-tail" or "short tail" is caused by a mutation in the Brachyury gene (a gene that codes for an important protein). The inherited trait is autosomal dominant. This means that a dog only has to carry a single copy of the gene in order for the dog to have a bob-tail. Dogs that carry one (BT/bt) or two copies (BT/BT) of the mutation will have a natural short tail. Dogs with two copies of the normal gene (who are bt/bt) will have normal tail length.
In the homozygous state (BT/BT), the Brachyury mutation is lethal in utero. For this reason, breeding two dogs with the bob-tail gene generally results in somewhat reduced litter sizes. This is important to realize when breeding short-tailed dogs with one another.

Bob Tail Testing:

Animal Genetics currently offers a test to determine the number of copies of the recessive bob-tail allele a dog carries. Dogs can be DNA tested at any age.


Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for dominant BT allele. The genetic test verifies the presence of the mutation and presents results as one of the following:

BT/BT LethalThe dog carries two copy of the mutant gene. This condition is lethal in utero.

BT/nShort TailThe dog carries one copy of the normal gene and one copy of the mutant gene. The dog has a natural short tail. Heterozygous dogs can pass the mutation to their offspring with a probability of 50%.

n/nNormal TailThe dog has two copies of the normal gene and will have a normal tail.