Best Doodle Breeds for Travel Enthusiasts

Best Doodle Breeds for Travel Enthusiasts

Best Doodle Breeds for Travel Enthusiasts


Who doesn't love cute, clever Doodles? These Poodle crossbreeds are popular due to their adorable looks, intelligence, and hypoallergenic coats. But did you know some Doodles make great travel partners too? Choosing the right breed is key for travel enthusiasts. In this post, we'll explore three top Doodle breeds for travel. Most airlines allow dogs under 20 pounds in the cabin if they're in a carrier and well-behaved. Good flying breeds include:

It's important to note that different airlines have different policies about allowing pets on flights, and some breeds may not be allowed due to size or breed restrictions. It's always a good idea to check with the airline before booking a flight with your dog.

Micro Mini Bernedoodle

Bid adieu to travel worries with the adaptable and compact Micro Mini Bernedoodle. These small bundles of joy are known for their adaptability to different environments, be it a frosty mountain hike or a sunny beach day. Their size and weight (usually under 35 pounds) make them just right for travel, be it in a car, RV, or even a plane.

When it comes to energy levels, Micro Mini Bernedoodles hit a sweet balance. They are playful without being overly energetic—perfect for an afternoon hike but equally content with a quiet evening indoors. Social and friendly, these Doodles get along well with people and other pets, making them great companions for public places and social settings.

Mini Australian Mountain Doodle (AMD)/Swiss Doodle

Next on our list is the Mini Australian Mountain Doodle (also known as the Swiss Doodle), another marvelously travel-friendly breed. These Doodles are also adaptable to various environments, making them suitable for both urban exploration and nature trips.

Weighing between 20-45 pounds, Mini AMDs make for convenient travel companions. These dogs are active and love a good exercise session, so they're perfect for adventure lovers who enjoy outdoor activities.

These Doodles are known for their friendly and sociable nature. They're likely to be as excited about making new friends on your travels as you are!

Toy Aussiedoodle

Last but not least, Toy Aussiedoodles pack a lot of charm in a small package. These Doodles are highly adaptable and are comfortable in a wide range of climates and settings. Their compact size (often under 20 pounds) is a bonus for travel enthusiasts, especially those who prefer cabin travel on flights.

Toy Aussiedoodles are energetic and love play sessions, making them great companions for active travelers. Despite their energy, they also appreciate downtime and snuggles. These dogs are known for their affectionate and friendly temperament, making them great for family trips or solo adventures alike.

Travel Tips for Dogs

Successfully traveling with a dog requires some planning and preparation. Here are some tips to ensure a smooth experience:

  • Familiarize your dog with different modes of transport before the actual travel.

  • Carry a copy of your dog's vaccination records.

  • Check pet policies of accommodations and dining places beforehand.

  • Update your dog's ID tag with your current contact details.

Recommended Accessories for Traveling with Dogs

Traveling with your pup can be a breeze with the right accessories. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Collapsible bowls: Compact and convenient for feeding and hydration on-the-go.

  • Portable water bottles: Essential for keeping your dog hydrated during travel.

  • Comfortable carriers: Ensure your dog's safety and comfort during the journey.

  • Safety harnesses and seat belts: Keep your dog secure, especially during car travel.

Dog Care During Travel

Keeping your dog's well-being in mind during travel ensures a happy and stress-free journey for both of you. Remember to:

  • Keep your dog hydrated and well-fed.

  • Schedule regular exercise and potty breaks.

  • Ensure your dog's comfort and safety at all times.

  • Never leave your dog unattended in a locked car.


Traveling with a Doodle can add joy and companionship to your journeys. Whether you're a fan of the Micro Mini Bernedoodle, the Mini AMD/Swiss Doodle, or the Toy Aussiedoodle, these breeds offer a great mix of adaptability, convenient size, and friendly temperament.

Remember, every dog deserves love, care, and attention, irrespective of the adventure at hand. So if you're ready to share your travels with a furry friend, choose a breed that suits your travel lifestyle for a fuss-free and enjoyable experience. Happy and safe travels!