Hypoallergenic Dogs: The Perfect Companions for CASA and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers

In the realm of volunteer work, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) and Guardian ad Litem volunteers play an essential role in ensuring the well-being and best interests of children in the foster care system. These dedicated individuals offer their time and efforts to provide a voice for children who may otherwise go unheard. To support these volunteers in their challenging yet rewarding role, the presence of a loyal and comforting companion can make a significant difference. Enter hypoallergenic dogs, particularly the ever-popular doodles and poodles. In this blog, we'll explore how these remarkable canine companions can enhance the work of CASA and Guardian ad Litem volunteers.

The Power of Canine Comfort

Children in the foster care system often experience immense emotional upheaval, and the presence of a friendly and non-judgmental companion can work wonders in soothing their anxieties and fears. This is where hypoallergenic dogs like doodles and poodles come into play. Renowned for their gentle demeanor and hypoallergenic qualities, these dogs offer both emotional support and practical advantages.

Hypoallergenic Breeds: A Win-Win

Many individuals, especially children, struggle with allergies to pet dander, which can limit their ability to interact with traditional dogs. Hypoallergenic breeds, such as doodles (a cross between poodles and other breeds) and poodles themselves, produce significantly fewer allergens, making them ideal for individuals with sensitivities. This quality not only benefits the children but also the volunteers themselves, many of whom may have allergies as well.

Creating a Comforting Environment

The courtroom and legal proceedings can be overwhelming, especially for children who may already be dealing with trauma. Having a hypoallergenic dog by their side can provide a sense of comfort and normalcy. These dogs have a calming presence that can help ease tension and anxiety, making the often-intimidating courtroom setting a bit more approachable.

Building Trust and Rapport

For CASA and Guardian ad Litem volunteers, establishing trust and rapport with the children they're advocating for is paramount. The gentle and affectionate nature of doodles and poodles can aid in this process. The dogs' friendly disposition can help create a relaxed atmosphere, allowing children to open up and express themselves more freely. This, in turn, helps volunteers better understand the child's needs and advocate for their best interests.

Facilitating Communication

Children may find it difficult to communicate their emotions, fears, and desires, especially in unfamiliar and intimidating settings like a courtroom. Dogs have a remarkable ability to connect with humans on an emotional level, often bringing out feelings of comfort and security. Having a hypoallergenic dog as a companion during interactions with volunteers can help children feel more at ease, potentially facilitating more open and effective communication.

Spreading Awareness

Introducing hypoallergenic dogs into the world of CASA and Guardian ad Litem volunteering can also raise awareness about the therapeutic benefits of dogs in legal settings. This innovative approach can encourage other organizations to explore similar initiatives, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the foster care system.

Be a CASA or GAL Volunteer

CASA and GAL volunteers make a life-changing difference for children and youth. Each volunteer is trained and supported by highly qualified staff members all across the country.

Lend your voice

Court-appointed special advocate (CASA) and guardian ad litem (GAL) volunteers advocate for the best-interests of children who have experienced abuse or neglect. Volunteers work with child welfare professionals, educators and service providers to ensure that judges have the information they need to make the most well-informed decisions for each child. There are 939 state organizations and local programs in 49 states and the District of Columbia with 97,900 volunteers nationwide. More volunteers are needed.

To join the movement, search the map below and connect with a local program. Once involved, your program will support you every step of the way.


The dedication of CASA and Guardian ad Litem volunteers to improving the lives of children in the foster care system is both commendable and crucial. By incorporating hypoallergenic dogs like doodles and poodles into their interactions, these volunteers can enhance their support and advocacy efforts in meaningful ways. The gentle, comforting presence of these canine companions has the potential to create a more compassionate and empathetic environment for everyone involved, making a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable children.