Guide to Titer Testing: Reducing Disease Susceptibility in Doodle Puppies

As a responsible pet owner, ensuring your furry friend's health is of utmost importance. Vaccinations are crucial for disease prevention, but there is debate on their necessity and frequency due to individual immunity and potential risks. Titer testing is a method that tailors vaccination needs for animals and is gaining recognition.

At Stokeshire, we are committed to fostering lifelong companionship and well-being for our dogs. Our dedication to responsible pet ownership means we provide the utmost care and attention to every puppy we raise, from birth to the day they join your family.

We believe in transparency, education, and, most importantly, the health and happiness of our pups. That's why we're excited to share with you our journey of integrating titer testing into our breeding program. This guide will explore how titer testing can enhance your pet's well-being and provide a step-by-step look at integrating it into your pet healthcare routine.

Understanding Titer Testing

What is Titer Testing?

Titer testing, or serology, is a method to measure the concentration of antibodies against certain pathogens in a blood sample. By determining the level of these antibodies, vets can infer the current level of immunity in a pet and make informed decisions about vaccination requirements.

The Purpose of Titer Testing

The primary purpose of titer testing is to establish immune response and tailor vaccine administration accordingly, rather than relying on a standard vaccination schedule.

Benefits of Titer Testing

  • Tailored Vaccination Protocols: Titer results can guide when a pet needs a booster or if they need a particular vaccination at all.

  • Avoidance of Unnecessary Vaccines: Over-vaccination can cause adverse effects and is often unnecessary.

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your pet's immunity is sufficient can give owners reassurance.

Limitations of Titer Testing

  • No standard protocol: There is no one-size-fits-all guideline for vaccination based on titer tests.

  • Equivocal results: Sometimes, the results may not provide clear guidance, leading to uncertainty.

Preparing for Titer Testing

Finding a Reputable Veterinarian

Look for a vet with experience in titer testing and a good reputation for thorough pet care. Discuss their approach to titer testing during the selection process.

Ensuring the Pet’s Health

A healthy pet will have a more accurate titer test result. Any underlying illnesses could skew results. Be particularly cautious if your pet has been recently sick or is on medication.

Discussing Vaccination History

Before the test, compile a detailed history of your pet's past vaccinations. This information helps the vet interpret the titer test results and make informed recommendations.

The Titer Testing Process

Blood Sample Collection

Veterinarians collect a small sample of blood from the pet, usually from a leg vein or the neck. The procedure is similar to a blood draw in humans and poses minimal risk.

Laboratory Analysis

The blood sample is sent to a specialized laboratory where technicians will conduct the titer test to measure the antibodies present in the sample.

Interpreting Test Results

The lab will provide the test results in the form of titers, demonstrating the level of protective antibodies against specific diseases. These results are not immediately actionable without proper interpretation by a veterinarian.

Discussing Results with a Veterinarian

Positive Titer

A positive titer suggests that the pet has a sufficient level of antibodies to protect against the disease. No further vaccination may be necessary.

Negative Titer

A negative titer indicates that the pet does not have enough antibodies to protect against the disease. This is a signal for the need for vaccination or re-vaccination.

Equivocal Results

Sometimes, titer test results fall within a grey area, neither definitively positive nor negative. In these instances, consult your vet on the best course of action.

Implementing Titer Testing

Vaccination Decision-Making

Based on the titer test results, you and your vet can discuss whether to defer, proceed with, or update vaccinations. Consider factors such as exposure risk and individual health when making these decisions.

Developing a Personalized Vaccination Schedule

A custom vaccination schedule can be devised, focusing on necessary inoculations and potentially fewer vaccinations over time. This personalized approach recognizes that not all pets need the same vaccines, nor do they need them on the same timeline.


Titer testing is a useful tool for pet healthcare. It can help you create a personalized vaccination plan for your pet, which can reduce the risk of diseases. By working with your veterinarian and embracing this method, you can ensure that your pet receives the necessary care that meets their individual needs.

At Stokeshire Designer Doodles, we believe in providing personalized care and protection for each puppy we raise. We incorporate titer testing into our breeding practices to ensure that each puppy receives the best care. We're committed to building relationships that last a lifetime, and we're always here to support you throughout your journey with your furry friend.

Remember, owning a pet is an adventure filled with joy, companionship, and unconditional love. With titer testing, you can help keep your pet healthy and happy for years to come.