Owning and Raising a Dog: A Beginner’s Guide

owning a dog

Yes, they are cute, sweet, and adorable. They can be playful and funny too at times. Looking after a pet is such a fulfilling adventure. But if you are thinking of owning a dog, think beyond these reasons alone.

Having this rewarding experience comes with a price. It is without sacrifice and dedication. Dogs, or pets in general, come with a heavy responsibility. It is a lifetime commitment that needs proper preparation and planning.

Owning a dog requires commitment, time, energy, money, and a lot more. So do not just give in to their cuteness or peer pressure. Take time to decide.

If you still want to have a dog of your own, read the guide below to help you get started on being a responsible dog owner.

Which doodle is best for you

  • Different Dog Breed Has Different Temperaments 

Why is this important? This is essential because different dog breeds vary in their characteristics and temperament. Similar to us humans, some of us prefer to stay at home on weekends while others love to be outdoors or out partying. There are also dog breeds that get excited doing outdoor play, walks in the park, swimming by the lake, or a quick hike. Some love to socialize too. But, there are also dog breeds that prefer to stay home.   

Some dogs such as Beagles, Australian Shepherds, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Border Collie are known for their energy. These highly-active dog breeds are perfect for people with an active lifestyle and those who love to be outdoors. On the other hand, dog breeds such as mini/micro, toy or large Bernedoodles are capable of living indoors despite being sociable breeds. 

There are dogs which have very sensitive temperaments such as Golden Mountain Doodles. They can easily pick the energy in the room and would get anxious when left without a companion. This dog breed demands attention from its owner so make sure that you have plenty of time for this pet. Aussie Mountain Doodles are also loving, friendly and affectionate breeds but they could get stubborn at times. 

When you own a dog, its needs and temperament should also complement your lifestyle. The benefit should be mutual so that both owner and pet stay happy with the relationship. When you own a dog, it is not enough to consider your needs. Your dog’s needs should equally be important and must be prioritized. 

  • Your space should be enough to accommodate your pet.

If you live in a one-door apartment, would you still get a big dog? If you were such a couch potato, would you get an active dog? Doing so will stress you and your dog because of the limited space and inactivity. A small space for active breeds means there is a restriction in movement. It could cause anxiety, stress, and behavioral issues in the long run.  

 When deciding to own a dog, consider how much space and energy you can spare to take care of your pet. If you do consider getting an Australian Shepherd, this breed loves to run around and do a job. Popularly known to be a herding dog, this breed is perfect if you have a ranch or a farm. This breed loves to have plenty of exercise and physical activity. If your space is limited and the dog has nowhere to run and play, this could lead to temperament issues. Australian Shepherds are affectionate and intelligent breeds that are perfect for active individuals who love outdoor activities. 

If you have a very limited space, get a miniature dog instead of a big breed dog. It is important to consider the size of your home when picking a dog. If you have an active dog, do you have a yard or a garden where it can run around? If you don’t have the motivation to be outside doing physical activity most of the time, get a laid-back breed.

Choosing the right dog breed should take time and proper research. Do not just get a dog for the sake of owning one. If you do that you are set for some serious headache. 

Which Doodle is Best for You?

Consider crate training and potty training when introducing your pup

When you own a dog, you have to be mentally prepared to think that the house is not yours alone anymore. You are sharing your space with another breathing species which has its own needs. If you want to keep your house clean and in order, do proper crate training. 

Crate training is an effective way to house-train a pup. The crate serves as their boundary on things they are allowed to do inside the house. Use the crate to potty-train your dog. Teach your furry friend how to follow instructions and control their bladder. 

Crate training is also a way for them to properly navigate around the house, and understand which space they own and can use. It is also helpful in avoiding any accidents inside the house. Apart from crate training, we also offer other training such as: 

  • House training

  • Leash training

  • Socialization

  • Basic Obedience 

Exercise and nutrition are essential to keeping a healthy pup.

Do you want to keep your pet active, fit, and happy? Make time for regular exercise. Alongside this regular exercise, make sure that they are given nutritious food to keep them protected from diseases. The formula of exercise plus good nutrition equates to healthy pets. With this combination, your pet’s weight is kept in check and they are also kept mentally stimulated. 

Food can affect the dog’s mood. You have to make sure that what they eat is a balanced and nutritious meal to keep them from being grumpy pets.

Socialize your pup as soon as possible and bond with them through playtime and positive experiences

If your pets socialize at such a young age, they can easily adapt to their environment. They won’t get startled, or anxious when their environment changes. Pups that learn to socialize are also mentally strong and more resilient as compared to others. Here are some ways of socializing your pets: 

  • Schedule a playdate with someone you know

  • Enroll your pet in socialization training 

  • Invite friends and their pets to come and visit 

  • Take your pet to the park 

Routine vet visits are needed to keep tabs on health issues that may arise due to age or any other unexpected circumstances

Do not skip a vet visit. A responsible dog owner makes time for his pet’s regular check-ups. This is a preventive measure to make sure that your dog is healthy. If there are any health issues, they could be checked right away and your dog is provided with the medication early on. 

Annual Cost for Owning a Dog

The financial aspect is just one of the factors you need to consider when owning a dog. If you are planning to get an Aussie Mountain Dog from us, the price starts at $5000. We put high value on the quality of breeds that we produce at Stokeshire. 

There are plenty of expenses you need to be aware of. Make sure that you are capable and prepared to shoulder these additional expenses. 

The expense of owning a dog varies depending on your dog’s breed. Here’s a quick overview of how much to prepare financially when you are to buy a dog. According to Rover (2022), here’s what they found based on their research and an interview conducted with the Dog People Panel.

Upfront costs: $1050 - $4,480

Annual essentials: $480 - $3,470

Optional extras: $1,210 - $4, 040

In an article released by Canine Journal, their estimated annual expense for owning a dog is between $400-$2200 for the first year. For each year that follows, expenses would be around $326 - $1,982. 

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What Should I Buy for my Puppy

Owning a pet dog comes with some expenses. There are things that you need to get for your dog to make sure that they are rested and fed. Some of the basic puppy equipment and supplies you can get are dog crates, dog pee pads, dog bath brush. 

Wrapping Up

Do not rush when you are deciding to own a dog. This decision is a major milestone and would result in a lot of changes in your lifestyle. Invest your time in proper research to keep you guided before finally taking a dog home.