Understanding Food Sensitivities and Allergies in Doodles and Poodles

Stokeshire, known for its affectionate and clever Doodles and Poodles, is a haven for dog lovers. While these breeds are adored for their intelligence, loyalty, and compatibility with children, they are not immune to allergies. In a population where food allergies were once a rare occurrence, they have witnessed a surprising 12.5% increase in the last decade. Additionally, environmental allergies have become more common, affecting approximately 30.7% of dogs in the region over the same period.

Food allergies can affect dogs of any breed and age, typically manifesting by the age of 6 months. These allergies occur when a dog's immune system overreacts to an allergen, resulting in symptoms that are not typically associated with consuming non-toxic substances.

Identifying Symptoms of Food Sensitivity and Allergies in Doodles and Poodles

Recognizing the signs of food sensitivity and allergies in Doodles and Poodles is essential. Common symptoms include:

1. Vomiting

2. Diarrhea

3. Itchy or irritated skin

4. Lethargy

5. Hyperactivity

6. Aggression

7. Weight loss

8. Hives

9. Excessive licking

10. Excessive gas

Doodles and Poodles are often prone to skin allergies, suffering from eczema, itchy skin, and ear, paw, and belly infections when exposed to allergens, whether environmental or ingested.

These allergic reactions, known as atopy, typically appear between the ages of 1 and 3 years. While often associated with environmental triggers like dust or fleas, atopy can also stem from food allergies in these breeds.

Determining the Causes of Food Sensitivity and Allergies in Doodles and Poodles

If your Doodle or Poodle is experiencing year-round ear infections and rashes without a discernible medical cause, it's possible they have a food allergy. Even seemingly unexplained instances of diarrhea or vomiting may be indicative of a mild allergy. On the other hand, if your dog's symptoms only occur in specific environments or seasons, the culprit is more likely an environmental or seasonal allergy.

It's important to note that Doodles and Poodles are not inherently more prone to specific food allergies than other breeds. These allergies are often inherited genetically, making them susceptible to various food sources. Common allergenic foods for dogs include:

1. Beef

2. Poultry - this is a big one!

3. Lamb

4. Fish

5. Dairy

6. Soy

7. Wheat

8. Corn

9. Additives

Diagnosing Food Sensitivity and Allergies in Doodles and Poodles

If your dog exhibits symptoms of food allergies, such as a rash or diarrhea, consult your veterinarian. Your vet will inquire about your dog's lifestyle and diet to assess the possibility of an allergy.

It's important to note that blood and saliva tests are not reliable methods for diagnosing food allergies in dogs. Instead, the vet will initiate an elimination trial diet to confirm a food allergy.

During the trial, your dog must strictly adhere to a prescribed diet. Offering treats or scraps during this period can disrupt the trial's accuracy. Typically, these diets incorporate a protein source your dog hasn't consumed before, such as rabbit or venison, to identify the potential allergen. Additionally, your vet may recommend switching your dog's toothpaste and medications to eliminate them as potential allergens.

The elimination trial diet typically spans 2 to 3 months, though it may be shorter. At its conclusion, your vet may gradually reintroduce potential allergens into your dog's diet to pinpoint the precise cause.

Treating Food Sensitivity and Allergies in Doodles and Poodles

Doodles and Poodles are prone to atopy, a condition stemming from allergic reactions, resulting in skin inflammation. To alleviate this, your vet may prescribe corticosteroids.

Antihistamines are also commonly recommended to manage the symptoms of food allergies. In cases where bacterial infections have developed in the ears or skin folds, antibiotics may be necessary. If the skin is raw or sensitive, an Elizabethan collar (cone) may be suggested.

Upon successful completion of the elimination diet, your vet will provide guidance on a new diet for your dog that should not trigger an allergic reaction.

Ensuring a Swift Recovery from Food Sensitivity and Allergies

If left untreated, food sensitivities and allergies in Doodles and Poodles can lead to gastrointestinal problems. In cases of infection, bacteria may spread and cause secondary infections, posing a significant health risk.

A timely response to these issues should lead to a full recovery for your dog unless the condition is life-threatening. If you observe any symptoms in your dog after altering their diet, promptly contact your vet for guidance.

As Stokeshire Designer Doodles, we highly prioritize the well-being of your beloved pets, and we understand that concerns like itchy skin and digestive issues can often be linked to allergies in your pet's environment and diet. Notably, these sensitivities rank as the second most common reason for pet owners to seek veterinary care. That's why we recommend considering Allergy Test My Pet® – an accessible and user-friendly pet sensitivity test thoughtfully designed to assist you in pinpointing the factors that may be impacting your pet's health adversely. This comprehensive test covers about 100 of the most prevalent allergens that your pet may react to, including common foods, environmental factors, widely used supplements, and everyday household products. Instead of temporarily addressing the issue with medicated shampoos, expensive specialized dog foods, or prescription medications, we encourage you to uncover the underlying causes of your pet's sensitivities and select the best dietary and product choices for their overall well-being. Acknowledging the individuality of each dog and the possibility of less common sensitivities, our test provides insights into around 100 potential allergens, enabling you to make informed decisions about your pet's health. Allergy Test My Pet® not only offers a comprehensive solution but is also budget-friendly, making it an affordable tool to help your dog achieve improved wellness. Remember, your pet's health is ultimately in your hands, and we're here to provide you with the knowledge necessary to ensure a long and healthy life for your cherished companion. Discover and address the allergens affecting your dog today with Allergy Test My Pet®, available at your local Target store.

In conclusion, our commitment to the health and well-being of our cherished canine companions is unwavering. We are dedicated to ensuring that our breeding program not only produces exceptional dogs but also prioritizes their long-term health. By participating in the Trupanion longitudinal health study, we aim to gather valuable insights into the genetic conditions and allergies that may affect our dogs. This information will enable us to make informed and responsible decisions by removing dogs from our breeding team when necessary, ensuring that the lineage we produce is as healthy as it is outstanding.

Furthermore, our collaboration with Revive and Thrive to develop a new, nutritionally superior dog food reflects our ongoing dedication to the overall health of our dogs. By working with experts in the field, we are striving to create a dietary solution that not only addresses known allergies but also promotes optimal health and well-being for our furry friends. Through these proactive measures, we are taking the necessary steps to enhance the quality of life for our dogs and uphold the standards of excellence we hold dear in our breeding program. With this holistic approach, we look forward to a future where our dogs thrive in both health and happiness.

HealthJames StokesAllergy